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Наукові конференції


Радміла Сегол (Київ, Україна)


Cross-Cultural Communication plays a leading role in today's globalized world. The communication between multilingual communicators, who aspire to greater unity in producing communication products and popular culture, is to create information flows that are understandable to the consumer of the final product - the message itself. Development and optimization of such messages requires detailed study, processing, effective recommendations and the establishment of methodological principles for future professionals as the foundation for further interlingual communication in the world and in the European community and further integration of Ukraine into the European Community in particular, for bringing European knowledge in Ukraine to produce and to represent information about European Union for Ukrainian media consumers.

Cross-Cultural Communication in the context of European integration has never been the subject of a teaching module in higher education institutions in Ukraine, but without understanding the world of scientific processes and opportunities for exchange of information in society can not be further development of Ukraine as a European country and every individual as a complete person. The idea of forming an active role in the work of the international social community, which forms a multi-cultural public discourse and has a positive impact on the awareness of individuals and social groups, social development needs in cross-cultural communication studies belongs to J. Habermas and M. Burawoy [9], it aims to solve problems for further development of civil society, social responsibility of the media.

Today we have to study problems of Cross-Cultural Communication even more closely because of misunderstanding caused by differences in cultural and ethnic communication. This particular problem causes a feeling of uncertainty among communication partners and fear to miss, to get into the "communication trap". Applied direction of Cross-Cultural Communication is to develop methods of cross-cultural training with weakening and elimination of cultural shock, etc. Social communication aspect of cross-cultural communication aimed to study markers of cultural information in order to achieve communicative understanding in cooperation as carriers of different cultures and communicative conflict prevention.

In Western Europe branch of cross-cultural communication has been reinstated in ‘70-80s, although at the former Soviet Union creating of cross-cultural communication knowledge started in '90s [6], however, the problem of paradoxes of cross-cultural communication, particularly non-communication characterized by an illusion of communication, misunderstanding, partially blocking the channels of communication remains under-investigated. It was shown that failures in cross-cultural communication are more typical for countries and ethnic groups which are culturally close to each other as they have got a lot in common and a lot differences as well, i.e. rules of communication and cultural code implementing them in communicative behavior [4].

Creating a proper methodological framework, the study and dissemination of scientific achievements, achievements of world culture, works of famous experts to review, study and creating of necessary professional, cultural, scientific, practical and economic level in Ukraine today and further integration of any country in the world community can not be full without the exchange of appropriate information flows, on the way to study them and creating of a database is cross-lingual communication.

We propose a symbiosis of new teaching techniques - for the first time is proposed to study Cross-Cultural Communication as the main link of European integration, to attract students and professionals of various fields and analyze the problem in an interdisciplinary level to find the best option to solve it. Lectures and seminars will be interactive, and further discussion of theoretical and practical material in the field of cross-cultural communication will be offered for the first time in Ukraine to withdraw to the international level through online discussions with leading experts of different disciplines. For the first time in Ukraine will be a research perspective of cross-cultural communication and offers practical advice for researchers to further adequate dissemination and assimilation of inventions, developments, the latest advances in science and technology. The round-tables and coverage of developments at the conference will provide a critical review of world scientific community and enhance development. Release of collections of scientific works of practical in cross-cultural communication will allow, for the first time in Ukraine, to submit a new look at a problem that affects the development of the country at the European level.

The research will provide new way to solve on the problems of editing of translation, of adequate and equivalent for the translated text and recipient’s decoding and use of this text for the knowledge receiving and sharing. Such research isn’t available in Ukrainian scientific field but must be made especially for Ukrainian language specific because of its crucial part in the further integration of Ukraine to the European society.

The program includes three blocks: (1) block of courses in theory and history of cross-cultural communication – there is for each student an individual learning plan with recommendations of supervisors - module’s professors will set up – approximately 12 hours; (2) course units for study characteristics of modern and practical problems in cross-cultural communication of modern Ukrainian society – approximately 12 hours; (3) taught master classes with the formation of competence in the field of communication presentation, moderation, working with texts, translations, editing etc. with further implementation in practice within the leading international media agencies, European funds, other partner organizations – approximately 12 hours.

Processing and transmission of copyright material held at the level of processing and conversion of characters, the transfer one language system to another language system, understandable to the reader. The message in the system of cross- communication is the creation of community, association of ideas between different parts of humanity, familiarization with similar or opposite ideas, participants of the communication process are creating new ideas, concepts, or securing its full retraction depending on the set of information and the target audience of potential message . There is exchange of knowledge, which leads to new knowledge in the communiqué and the global system of knowledge, promotes and supplements the known theories, consolidate them into practice. Cross-cultural Communication is part of the social process that is part of communication in its public sector, an integral component of human development as a person, the formation and dissemination of new knowledge.

To share information, participants of the communication process should have advance knowledge in the particular system as language itself for understanding and further transmission of this or that message. Lack of knowledge deprives communiqué new, sometimes - necessary for the further existence knowledge and for communicants - the result of the communication process, making the transfer and dissemination of information virtually impossible.



  1. Буданцев Ю. П. В контексте жизни: Системный подход и массовая Коммуникация / Ю. П. Буданцев. – М. : Мысль, 1979. – 262 с.

  2. Бурда-Лассен О. В. Переклад як процес декодування ментальної ідентичності нації: дис…. канд. філол. наук: 10.02.16 / Київський національний ун-т ім. Тараса Шевченка. – К., 2004. – 227 с. + 88 с. дод.

  3. Зарицький М. С. Переклад: створення та редагування / М. С. Зарицький. – К. : Парлам. вид-во, 2004. – 120 с.

  4. Лалл Дж. Мас-медіа, комунікація, культура. Глобальний підхід. Пер. з англ / Дж. Лалл. – К. : “Вид-во «К.І.С.»“, 2002. – 264 с.

  5. Почепцов Г. Г. Коммуникативные технологии двадцатого века / Г. Г. Почепцов. – М. : Рефл-бук; Киев : Ваклер, 2000. – 352 с.

  6. Різун В. Теорія масової комунікації / В. Різун. – К. : ВЦ «Просвіта», 2008. – 260 с.

  7. Селиванова Е. А. Моделирование перевода как интерпретативно-порождающего дискурса / О. О. Селиванова. // Вісник Черкаського університету. Сер. Філологічні науки. – Черкаси, 2006. – Вип. 94. – С. 17–26.

  8. Швейцер А. Д. Теория перевода: статус, проблемы, аспекты / А. Д. Швейцер – М. : Наука, 1988. – 215 с.

  9. Goban-Klas T. Media i komunikowanie masowe: Teorie i analizy prasy, radia, telewizji i Internetu / T. Goban-Rlas. – Warszawa, Krakow : Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN SA, 1999. – p. 52–79.

  10. Klapper J. The effects of mass communication / J. Klapper. – New York : Free Press, 1960.