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Proverbs and Sayings at English as a foreign language classes

Kuimova M.V. (Tomsk, Russia)

We can be Knowledgeable with other men’s knowledge,

but we cannot be wise with other men’s wisdom.

Michel de Montaigne


It is easier to be wise for others than for ourselves.

François de La Rochefoucauld


The use of proverbs and other sayings at English as a foreign language classes variegate educational process, makes it brighter, more interesting, exciting and unforgettable. This happens because proverbs and sayings provide an opportunity:

  • for students to be knowledgeable experts as well as learners;

  • for students to gain insight as they discuss their experience and work out their understanding of proverb meaning;

  • to compare different cultures;

  • to improve thinking and writing as students both provide and receive information [1].

The use of proverbs and sayings helps students:

  • learn and understand the language faster while having fun;

  • enhance pronunciation, reading and cultural awareness;

  • enlarge vocabulary;

  • improve grammar;

  • get folk wisdom gathered through time and experience;

  • understand truth or morals that are based on common sense or practical experience of another culture;

  • develop intercultural competence [2, 3, 4, 5].

Working with proverbs and saying at English as a foreign language classes a lecturer can use the following tasks:

  • try to complete the proverb using the given words;

  • explain the proverb. The following expressions can be used:

    • it was written by …;

    • it illustrates …;

    • it tells us that …

  • give the equivalent to the proverb in your mother tongue;

  • translate the proverb;

  • match the proverb and its translation;

  • match the pictures and the proverbs;

  • change the tense of the underlined verb;

  • make up a situation when this proverb can be used;

  • in which situation can you use the proverb “…”?;

  • arrange the proverbs which tell about …;

  • working in groups draw a sketch of the proverb.

Thus the use of proverbs and sayings at English as a foreign language classes helps to solve a number of significant educational problems: improve students’ learning experience, their language skills; develop intercultural competence; motivate learning.


  1. Захарова Н.Н. Using English proverbs and sayings in studying the language. URL: http://festival.1september.ru/articles/572596/ (дата обращения 10.02.2013).

  2. Brown H. Douglas Principles of language learning and teaching. White Plains, NY: Longman, 2000. 352 p.

  3. Hatch E., Brown Ch. Vocabulary, Semantics and Language Education (Cambridge Language Teaching Library). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1995. 480 p.

  4. Judith L. Green, Greg Camilli, Patricia B. Elmore with Audra Skukauskaitė and Elizabeth Grace Handbook of complementary methods in education research. Washington, D.C.: American Educational Research Association; Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006. 865 p.

  5. Mieder W. Proverbs are never out of season: popular wisdom in the modern age. New York: Oxford University Press. 1993. 284 p.