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Светлана Липперт (Усть-Каменогорск, Казахстан)

In recent years, the issue of the application of modern technologies in high school is becoming increasingly important. It is not only new hardware, but new forms and methods of teaching, new approaches to teaching foreign languages. The main goal is to show how technology can be used effectively in order to improve the quality of teaching foreign language, the formation and development of students’ communicative culture, training practical mastery of a foreign language.

The teacher's tasks are to create the conditions for practical language learning for each student, to choose such methods of teaching that would enable every student to show their activity, their creativity, to increase students' cognitive activity in learning foreign languages. The use of modern tools such as computer programs, Internet-based technologies, as well as cooperative learning and project technology can solve these problems.

Project method is one of the most pressing contemporary technologies in teaching foreign languages. It combines the elements of problem-based learning and collaborative learning that allows achieving the highest level of mastery of any subject, and foreign language in particular. Project method forms students' communication skills, culture, communication, the ability concisely and audibly formulate thoughts, be tolerant to the opinion of partners in communication and develops the ability to extract information from a variety of sources, to process it with the help of modern technologies. [1, c. 5]All these factors create language environment that - results in the appearance of the natural need to interact in a foreign language.

Project-based learning does not contradict the traditional ways of learning. It helps to activate students since most of them have an interest for new knowledge. Such kind of motivation - the desire to successfully develop theme of the project - is often stronger than the demands of parents and teachers to study hard in order to get excellent and good marks.

The main purpose of the use of this innovative approach is the ability to effectively master students' foreign communicative competence. It includes the following concepts: [6]

  • verbal competence is creating an opportunity of manifestation of communicative skills in all forms: listening, speaking, writing, reading, translation within a specific topic;

  • socio-cultural competence is the formation of ideas about the social and cultural specificity of the target language;

  • linguistic competence is students' acquisition of lexical units relating to the topic as a necessary basis for registration of speaking abilities;

  • educational and cognitive competence is the improvement of educational activity on mastering of foreign languages;

  • compensatory competence is formation of skills of overcoming difficult situations in a shortage of linguistic resources.

Also, this approach forms informational competence which manifests the ability to work independently with reference books, find necessary information in various sources, and see links with other branches of knowledge. Moreover, project-based learning contributes to enhancing students' personal confidence, developing a "team spirit" and communication skills; providing a mechanism for critical thinking, the ability to find ways to solve problems and developing students' research skills.

Due to the growth of person's potential, skills and innovations we can apply project technology from the second grade. In my experience, there are many brilliant students, who want to know much more information; and while little children are interested in learning foreign languages we must use all these approaches in order to raise the quality of teaching. In my work I mostly use projects, role-plays and communicate approaches. When we speak about young children the projects can be like "My Family", the creation of a family tree, the story about a weekend day. It should be noted that parents are often involved in creating projects, because collaboration on a joint project results in convergence and communication. Amidst a wide variety of topics for research, my students are working on the following topics: "My Toy" (the second grade); "Seasons", "Food and drinks”, "Dress your doll" (the third grade); "My Motherland”, "The place we live in" (the fourth grade); "British and Kazakh traditions", "Great Britain", "How to save our planet", "The British way of life" (the sixth grade) and "Visiting Great Britain", tourist booklet "Astana" (the seventh grade).

The forms of project can change and become more complex depending on students’ age. For instance, in the 6th grade students create a guide to Great Britain. Each of them creates a single page, and then the pages are connected together. The cover of this brochure is trusted to students who can draw well. The teacher explains the purpose of the task to students. They have the right to propose their own project, if none of the suggested ones does not arouse their interest.

The work on the project can be carried out either individually or in groups. Working in groups, the participants of the joint project should distribute the roles and realize that success depends on the contribution of each participant. Project work begins in the classroom as a teacher-supervised activity. Projects may be short-term or long-term. Depending on the type, they can be presented at the next lesson, or at the final lesson. It is important to organize the work using project, creating the most favorable conditions for the disclosure and manifestation of the creative potential of the participants. In my experience, I organize post-project exhibition of the works, so that other students, parents and teachers should be able to see and appreciate the importance of this work.

Using project method in my work, I came to the conclusion that this method is very effective at generalization, consolidation and revision of educational material, especially in the organization of its practical application. For me there is a particularly appealing fact that project-based learning actively influences the motivation of student. [2] The work with the project - presentation encourages students to use computer technology. It should be noted that many students get their first experience in Power Point preparing for such kind of projects.

Project-based forms both improve the overall culture of communication and social behavior in general and give students the practical language skills.

Using technology project at English lessons, I operate preparatory, primary and final stages by professor E.S.Polat. [4, c. 23-24] They help rightly organize project method. When I use the method of project at the beginning of the studying a new topic, students are to identify a hidden problem. By the leading questions students are brought to organize the plan of the project. Then, depending on the type of the project it can include exhibition, collage, reporting, wall-newspaper, crossword, a story of mystery, or a tour. So, the students are divided into groups and develop their own projects. Thus, students of the 7th "b" have decided to present their project in the form of excursions to the United Kingdom and Kazakhstan. After the students decided on a form of the project, a preparation stage is started. The way preparation was carried out can clearly be seen from the following table:


Content of the work

Students' activity

Teacher's activity

Preparatory stage

Motivation and goal-setting

Topic determination and selection of the direction

Clarification of information, tasks discussion

An assistance in setting objectives


Identification of sources of information (books, encyclopedias and the Internet);

selection of criteria for evaluating the results (relevance, social significance)

formulation of the tasks, finding proper information on the topic

An assistance in providing the analysis and synthesis, observation


Сontent of the work

Students' activity

Teacher's activity

Main stage

Making the project

Searching for information

Project design using multimedia resources

Conducting lesson

Final stage

Verification and evaluation of the results

Analysis of the implementation of the project, achieved results (successes and failures); analysis of goals' achievement

An introspection and self-evaluation of the project

Participation in a collective analysis and evaluation of the project's results

Project technology allowed students to integrate a variety of activities, making learning enthralling, more interesting and therefore, efficient. Students with different abilities became successful and felt they were needed in the project activities. Educational, social and communication skills were developed during the implementation of projects. [5] At the preparatory stage, students learned how to work with dictionaries, reference books for posts, thought through the way of presentation, and of course learnt to sort out their work. Project-based learning has changed students’ attitude to the computer: computer has been transformed into a source of information and one of the ways of presentation the material.

Summing up, I would like to say that in contrast with traditional ways, the usage of innovative forms of learning devotes a major role to a student towards gaining knowledge.

Furthermore, the teacher should not solve only educational tasks, but also he or she must create the conditions for students’ independent research, encouraging them to develop orientation skills and independent decision-making. The implementation of innovative methods in teaching is an essential prerequisite in solving educational problems. Constantly evolving system of information management in combination with technical support provides the highest quality of educational process.

References :

1. Гузеев. В.В. Метод проектов как частный случай интегративной технологии обучения. // Директор школы, 1995.- №6.

  1. Мартьянов Т.М. в статье «Использование проектных заданий на уроках иностранного языка»

  2. Новикова. Т. Проектные технологии на уроках и во внеурочной деятельности. // Народное образование, 2000.- №7.

4. Полат Е.С. Метод проектов на уроках английского языка.// Иностранные языки в школе.-2000.-№2,3-С.17-19,23-24.

5. Полат Е.С., Бухаркина М.Ю., Моисеева М.В. , Петров А.Е.. Новые педагогические и информационные технологии в системе образования: Учебное пособие /; под ред. Полат Е.С. — М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 1999—2005.

6. Селевко Г.К. Современные образовательные технологии: Учеб.пос. – М.: Народное образование, 1998.

Научный руководитель:

Новицкая Юлия Васильевна

Липперт Светлана Андреевна

ВКО, Казахстан, Усть-Каменогорск, проспект Независимости 77/1, кв.143

8 (7232) 53-09-20, сот.8-705-779-71-45, E-mail: mlippert777@gmail.com

КГУ «Комплекс школа-гимназия-детский сад №2»

акимата г. Усть-Каменогорска

учитель английского языка